“Worry is a misuse of the imagination.” - Zig Ziglar

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How I work

I work either with small groups of up to six people or, if you prefer, one-on-one. I deliver this over three consecutive half-days of training. It’s intensive, challenging at times and lots of fun!  As you will see from the testimonials, change often happens very rapidly and I’m there to coach you and ensure that you get the results you came for.

My commitment doesn’t end there though; because I arrange four formal follow-up calls (usually by Skype or telephone) to coach you and track progress over one year. So if you have questions, or there were things you forgot or life situations that you hadn’t foreseen come up, we can work through them on these calls.

Additionally, if at any time during that year you are having difficulties with the changes you came for, you can contact me, free of charge, for coaching and I will help you get back on track. So effectively you get coaching for a whole year after coming to see me. I find this is the most effective way of ensuring that the changes you make become permanent.


That is all that stands in the way of you accessing the life you truly deserve.

Sounds too easy? Or unbelievable? That is simply because you don’t have the tools at hand to train your mind and body to work for you.

Watch the video to find out more about how it works.

Watch the video to find out more about how it works

Working together intensively over three days makes sure those new ways of thinking become habit, and as natural for you as breathing. Once they do, the life you want is within your reach.

I’ve worked with many people over the years from all walks of life with a wide variety of issues, from chronic fatigue, to depression, anxiety and other illnesses. What is true of all of them is that once they become conscious of, and change their mind-set, they are able to access a greatly improved quality of life.

Everyone has the potential to shine; it’s your birth-right. If you want to be the best version of yourself and want to get unstuck, please use the button to book a free, gentle and no-obligation conversation to find out if this would work for you: book


“The difference was just phenomenal”

– Mother of two boys with chronic fatigue

“He has the most unique combination of skillls to empower people and he does it with compassion and a gentle sense of humour.”

“Ben has the uncanny ability to get to the root of a problem very quickly. I’ve seen profound deep shifts that are truly life-changing.”

– Rosie Dowbekin